AC tweaks
AC tweaks
The homemade air conditioner used to fight our island heat, which consists of a bucket of ice and a fan on top of the bucket to blow the cold air from within outward, has not been effective, according to people who have tried it. This is because the front of the fan should face upward from the bucket, not downward. Fans draws air from the rear of the blades.
Therefore, the current way people are doing this, with the front of the fan facing the ice, is only drawing the hot air from outside the bucket into the bucket, warming the cool air within, then blowing it outward through the bucket vents.
Turn the front of the fan upward so the rear of the fan draws the cold air within the bucket more efficiently.
To get the direct effect of the cold air, tilt the bucket more horizontally toward you. Don’t make vent holes in the bucket, otherwise you’ll draw in warm air.
Also, placing an ice block in front of a fan only is diverting the cold air sideways, not directly toward the user. Because of its flatness, box fans work well because ice blocks can be placed as close as an inch to the flat rear grate where the cold air is immediately drawn in.
Rick LaMontagne
TMT arrests
Why do the protesters insist now it is “freedom of religion”? If they are not looking for trouble, why don’t they host prayer vigils on and for the mountain in a secluded area known only to them?
Seems like a prayer vigil hosted in a secluded place would be free of the negativity the land already holds from the previous incidents.
Having reverence for the land as a holy sacrament to the good of humankind is good and just.
Why don’t they create a place for themselves to traverse the mountain when they want? Is it part of the argument that the road they are hell-bent on obstructing was their road first, and therefore want to assume ownership of the road?
One does not own “the mother.”
The spirits of the ancients … might be rejoicing that the telescopes are there, since they were astronomical astrologers. So obvious they want the publicity, even if it is negative.
Yes, I get it. They are warriors and want a fight.
Victoria Taylor